Theological E-books: Internet Archive

Barth, KarlChrist And Adam: Man And Humanity In Romans 5 (1957)
Church Dogmatics: A Selection (1961)
Protestant Thought From Rousseau To Ritschl (1959)
The Great Promise: Luke I (1963)
The Knowledge Of God And The Service Of God According To The Teaching Of The Reformation (1960)
Baur, Ferdinand ChristianA philological introduction to Greek and Latin for students (1883)
Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ: his life and work, his Epistles and his doctrine : a contribution to a critical history of primitive Christianity (1876)
The church history of the first three centuries, Volume 1 (1878)
The church history of the first three centuries, Volume 2 (1878)
Berkhof, LouisBiblical archaeology (1928)
New Testament introduction (or special canonics) (1915)
Bush, GeorgeThe life of Mohammed: founder of the religion of Islam, and of the empire of the Saracens (1833)
Bultmann, RudolfHistory And Eschatology: The Presence Of Eternity: The Gifford Lectures 1955 (1957)
Calvin, JohnCommentary on the Psalms of David: Volume 1 (1840)
Commentary on the Psalms of David: Volume 2 (1840)
Commentary on the Psalms of David: Volume 3 (1840)
Commentary on the book of the Prophet Isaiah: Volume 1 (1850)
Commentary on the book of the Prophet Isaiah: Volume 2 (1850)
Commentary on the book of the Prophet Isaiah: Volume 3 (1850)
Commentary on the book of the Prophet Isaiah: Volume 4 (1850)
Commentary on a harmony of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke (1845): Volume 1
Commentary on a harmony of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke (1845): Volume 2
Commentary on a harmony of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke (1845): Volume 3
Commentary upon the Acts of the Apostles: Volume 2 (1844)
Commentary upon the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans (1844)
Commentary on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians: Volume 1 (1848)
Commentary on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians: Volume 2 (1848)
Institutes of the Christian Religion, Volume 1: a new translation by Henry Beveridge (1845)
Institutes of the Christian Religion, Volume 2: a new translation by Henry Beveridge (1845)
Institutes of the Christian Religion, Volume 3: a new translation by Henry Beveridge (1845)
Chafer, Lewis SperryGrace (1922)
Salvation (1922)
True evangelism (1911)
Cremer, Hermann and Urwick, William Biblico-theological lexicon of New Testament Greek (1886)
Dixon, Amzi Clarence (editor)The Fundamentals: A Testimony to the Truth: Volume 1-7 (1910)
Dodd, Charles HaroldHistory and the gospel (1938)
The authority of the Bible (1929)
The gospel in the New Testament
The meaning of Paul for today (1920)
Gunkel, Hermann The legends of Genesis (1901)
Israel and Babylon: the influence of Babylon on the religion of Israel (1904)
Hodge, Archibald AlexanderCommentary on the Confession of Faith (1901)
Outlines of theology (1876)
The atonement (1867)
Hodge, Archibald Alexander and Hodge, J. AspinwallThe system of theology contained in the Westminster shorter catechism opened and explained (1888)
Hodge, Archibald Alexander and Warfield, Benjamin BreckinridgeInspiration (1881)
Hodge, Charles Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (1896)
Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians (1875)
Systematic theology: Volume 1 (1872)
Systematic theology: Volume 2 (1872)
Systematic theology: Volume 3 (1872)
Josephus, FlaviusSelections from Josephus (1919)
Kant, ImmanuelCritique of Pure Reason: Volume 1 (1881)
Critique of Pure Reason: Volume 2 (1881)
Kierkegaard, SørenSelections from the writings of Kierkegaard (1923)
Liddell, Henry George and Scott, Robert A Greek-English lexicon, based on the German work of Francis Passow (1846)
Luther, Martin The creation: a commentary on the first five chapters of the book of Genesis (1858)
Luther on sin and the flood: Commentary on Genesis (1910)
Luther's commentary on the first twenty-two Psalms: Volume 1 (1903)
Complete commentary on the first twenty-two Psalms: Volume 1 (1826)
Complete commentary on the first twenty-two Psalms: Volume 2 (1826)
Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount (1892)
A commentary on Saint Paul's Epistle to the Galatians (1891)
Machen, John Gresham Christianity and liberalism (1923)
Recent criticism of the book of Acts (1919)
The literature and history of New Testament times (1915)
The origin of Paul's religion (1921)
Margoliouth, David SamuelCairo, Jerusalem, and Damascus: three chief cities of the Egyptian Sultans (1907)
Mohammed and the rise of Islam (1905)
The early development of Mohammedanism (1914)
Martin, Richard C. (editor)Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World
Metzger, Bruce M.Chapters In The History Of New Testament Textual Criticism (1963)
The Jehovah's Witnesses and Jesus Christ
Niebuhr, ReinholdDiscerning The Signs Of The Times Sermons For Today And Tomorrow (1946)
Does civilization need religion? A study in the social resources and limitations of religion in modern life (1928)
Essays In Applied Christianity (1959)
Faith And History: A Comparison Of Christian And Modern Views Of History (1949)
Leaves from the Notebook of a Tamed Cynic (1956)
The Irony Of The American History (1952)
Orr, JamesDavid Hume And His Influence On Philosophy And Theology (1903)
Neglected factors in the study of the early progress of Christianity (1899)
Revelation and inspiration (1910)
Ritschlianism: expository and critical essays (1903)
Sidelights on Christian doctrine (1909)
The authenticity of John's Gospel: deduced from internal evidence, with answers to objections derived from the mode of teaching, the style, the doctrine of the Logos, and other circumstances (1870)
The Bible under trial: in view of present-day assaults on Holy Scripture (1907)
The Christian view of God and the world as centring in the incarnation: being the Kerr lectures for 1890-1891 (1893)
The early church: its history and literature (1901)
The faith of a modern Christian (1910)
The problem of the Old Testament considered with reference to recent criticism (1906)
The progress of dogma (1901)
The resurrection of Jesus (1908)
The Ritschlian theology and the evangelical faith (1905)
The virgin birth of Christ (1907)
Pink, Arthur WalkingtonThe Kingdom of heaven: its significance and scope (1906)
Roman Catholic ChurchCatechism of the Council of Trent (1867)
The Roman martyrology (1916)
Schweitzer, AlbertPaul and his interpreters: a critical history (1912)
The mystery of the kingdom of God: the secret of Jesus' Messiahship and passion (1914)
The quest of the historical Jesus: a critical study of its progress from Reimarus to Wrede (1910)
Tillich, Paul Johannes The Courage To Be (1952)
The New Being (1955)
The Protestant Era (1948)
von Rad, GerhardStudies In Deuteronomy Studies In Biblical Theology (1961)
Vos, GeerhardusThe Mosaic origin of the Pentateuchal codes (1886)
The teaching of Jesus concerning the Kingdom of God and the Church (1903)
Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge An Introduction to the textual criticism of the New Testament (1886)
Counterfeit miracles (1918)
Some difficult passages in the first chapter of 2 Corinthians (1886)
The canon of the New Testament: how and when formed (1892)
The development of the doctrine of infant salvation (1891)
The making of the Westminster Confession (1901)
The power of God unto salvation (1903)
The right of systematic theology (1897)
The Saviour of the World: Sermons preached in the Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary (1913)
Wellhausen, JuliusSketch of the history of Israel and Judah (1891)
The Book of Psalms: a new English translation (1898)
The Book of Psalms: critical edition of the Hebrew text printed in colors, with notes by J. Wellhausen