Author | Title |
Barth, Karl | Christ And Adam: Man And Humanity In Romans 5 (1957) |
Church Dogmatics: A Selection (1961) |
Protestant Thought From Rousseau To Ritschl (1959) |
The Great Promise: Luke I (1963) |
The Knowledge Of God And The Service Of God According To The Teaching Of The Reformation (1960) |
Baur, Ferdinand Christian | A philological introduction to Greek and Latin for students (1883) |
Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ: his life and work, his Epistles and his doctrine : a contribution to a critical history of primitive Christianity (1876) |
The church history of the first three centuries, Volume 1 (1878) |
The church history of the first three centuries, Volume 2 (1878) |
Berkhof, Louis | Biblical archaeology (1928) |
New Testament introduction (or special canonics) (1915) |
Bush, George | The life of Mohammed: founder of the religion of Islam, and of the empire of the Saracens (1833) |
Bultmann, Rudolf | History And Eschatology: The Presence Of Eternity: The Gifford Lectures 1955 (1957) |
Calvin, John | Commentary on the Psalms of David: Volume 1 (1840) |
Commentary on the Psalms of David: Volume 2 (1840) |
Commentary on the Psalms of David: Volume 3 (1840) |
Commentary on the book of the Prophet Isaiah: Volume 1 (1850) |
Commentary on the book of the Prophet Isaiah: Volume 2 (1850) |
Commentary on the book of the Prophet Isaiah: Volume 3 (1850) |
Commentary on the book of the Prophet Isaiah: Volume 4 (1850) |
Commentary on a harmony of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke (1845): Volume 1 |
Commentary on a harmony of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke (1845): Volume 2 |
Commentary on a harmony of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke (1845): Volume 3 |
Commentary upon the Acts of the Apostles: Volume 2 (1844) |
Commentary upon the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans (1844) |
Commentary on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians: Volume 1 (1848) |
Commentary on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians: Volume 2 (1848) |
Institutes of the Christian Religion, Volume 1: a new translation by Henry Beveridge (1845) |
Institutes of the Christian Religion, Volume 2: a new translation by Henry Beveridge (1845) |
Institutes of the Christian Religion, Volume 3: a new translation by Henry Beveridge (1845) |
Chafer, Lewis Sperry | Grace (1922) |
Salvation (1922) |
True evangelism (1911) |
Cremer, Hermann and Urwick, William | Biblico-theological lexicon of New Testament Greek (1886) |
Dixon, Amzi Clarence (editor) | The Fundamentals: A Testimony to the Truth: Volume 1-7 (1910) |
Dodd, Charles Harold | History and the gospel (1938) |
The authority of the Bible (1929) |
The gospel in the New Testament |
The meaning of Paul for today (1920) |
Gunkel, Hermann | The legends of Genesis (1901) |
Israel and Babylon: the influence of Babylon on the religion of Israel (1904) |
Hodge, Archibald Alexander | Commentary on the Confession of Faith (1901) |
Outlines of theology (1876) |
The atonement (1867) |
Hodge, Archibald Alexander and Hodge, J. Aspinwall | The system of theology contained in the Westminster shorter catechism opened and explained (1888) |
Hodge, Archibald Alexander and Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge | Inspiration (1881) |
Hodge, Charles | Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (1896) |
Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians (1875) |
Systematic theology: Volume 1 (1872) |
Systematic theology: Volume 2 (1872) |
Systematic theology: Volume 3 (1872) |
Josephus, Flavius | Selections from Josephus (1919) |
Kant, Immanuel | Critique of Pure Reason: Volume 1 (1881) |
Critique of Pure Reason: Volume 2 (1881) |
Kierkegaard, Søren | Selections from the writings of Kierkegaard (1923) |
Liddell, Henry George and Scott, Robert | A Greek-English lexicon, based on the German work of Francis Passow (1846) |
Luther, Martin | The creation: a commentary on the first five chapters of the book of Genesis (1858) |
Luther on sin and the flood: Commentary on Genesis (1910) |
Luther's commentary on the first twenty-two Psalms: Volume 1 (1903) |
Complete commentary on the first twenty-two Psalms: Volume 1 (1826) |
Complete commentary on the first twenty-two Psalms: Volume 2 (1826) |
Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount (1892) |
A commentary on Saint Paul's Epistle to the Galatians (1891) |
Machen, John Gresham | Christianity and liberalism (1923) |
Recent criticism of the book of Acts (1919) |
The literature and history of New Testament times (1915) |
The origin of Paul's religion (1921) |
Margoliouth, David Samuel | Cairo, Jerusalem, and Damascus: three chief cities of the Egyptian Sultans (1907) |
Mohammed and the rise of Islam (1905) |
The early development of Mohammedanism (1914) |
Martin, Richard C. (editor) | Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World |
Metzger, Bruce M. | Chapters In The History Of New Testament Textual Criticism (1963) |
The Jehovah's Witnesses and Jesus Christ |
Niebuhr, Reinhold | Discerning The Signs Of The Times Sermons For Today And Tomorrow (1946) |
Does civilization need religion? A study in the social resources and limitations of religion in modern life (1928) |
Essays In Applied Christianity (1959) |
Faith And History: A Comparison Of Christian And Modern Views Of History (1949) |
Leaves from the Notebook of a Tamed Cynic (1956) |
The Irony Of The American History (1952) |
Orr, James | David Hume And His Influence On Philosophy And Theology (1903) |
Neglected factors in the study of the early progress of Christianity (1899) |
Revelation and inspiration (1910) |
Ritschlianism: expository and critical essays (1903) |
Sidelights on Christian doctrine (1909) |
The authenticity of John's Gospel: deduced from internal evidence, with answers to objections derived from the mode of teaching, the style, the doctrine of the Logos, and other circumstances (1870) |
The Bible under trial: in view of present-day assaults on Holy Scripture (1907) |
The Christian view of God and the world as centring in the incarnation: being the Kerr lectures for 1890-1891 (1893) |
The early church: its history and literature (1901) |
The faith of a modern Christian (1910) |
The problem of the Old Testament considered with reference to recent criticism (1906) |
The progress of dogma (1901) |
The resurrection of Jesus (1908) |
The Ritschlian theology and the evangelical faith (1905) |
The virgin birth of Christ (1907) |
Pink, Arthur Walkington | The Kingdom of heaven: its significance and scope (1906) |
Roman Catholic Church | Catechism of the Council of Trent (1867) |
The Roman martyrology (1916) |
Schweitzer, Albert | Paul and his interpreters: a critical history (1912) |
The mystery of the kingdom of God: the secret of Jesus' Messiahship and passion (1914) |
The quest of the historical Jesus: a critical study of its progress from Reimarus to Wrede (1910) |
Tillich, Paul Johannes | The Courage To Be (1952) |
The New Being (1955) |
The Protestant Era (1948) |
von Rad, Gerhard | Studies In Deuteronomy Studies In Biblical Theology (1961) |
Vos, Geerhardus | The Mosaic origin of the Pentateuchal codes (1886) |
The teaching of Jesus concerning the Kingdom of God and the Church (1903) |
Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge | An Introduction to the textual criticism of the New Testament (1886) |
Counterfeit miracles (1918) |
Some difficult passages in the first chapter of 2 Corinthians (1886) |
The canon of the New Testament: how and when formed (1892) |
The development of the doctrine of infant salvation (1891) |
The making of the Westminster Confession (1901) |
The power of God unto salvation (1903) |
The right of systematic theology (1897) |
The Saviour of the World: Sermons preached in the Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary (1913) |
Wellhausen, Julius | Sketch of the history of Israel and Judah (1891) |
The Book of Psalms: a new English translation (1898) |
The Book of Psalms: critical edition of the Hebrew text printed in colors, with notes by J. Wellhausen |